Introducing iPhone 3G. With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange, and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips. And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser. iPhone 3G. It redefines what a mobile phone can do — again.With iPhone, making a call is as simple as tapping a name or number. All your contacts appear in a list you scroll through with a flick of your finger. And Visual Voicemail plays your messages in any order you want, just like email.
Tap into calls.
Tap any phone number in Contacts, Favorites, an email, an SMS text message — or almost any other application — to make a call. If you have a lot of contacts, use the search feature to quickly find specific names. iPhone also makes it easy to talk to more than one person at the same time. With a tap, you can switch between calls or create a conference call.
Make contact.
Building your iPhone address book is simple. Contacts sync via iTunes each time you connect iPhone to your computer. You can even add contact information directly from Maps and SMS messages with just a few taps.
Answer in a pinch.
The stereo headset that comes with iPhone features a high-performance microphone — fitted with a windscreen for added clarity — that also serves as a Send/End button you pinch to answer or end calls.
See your voicemail.
Listen to your fourth voicemail message without listening to the three before it. Visual Voicemail shows you a list of all your messages — and who they’re from — so you can play them in any order you please.
July 31, 2008
ipone,intenet and more
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